
The Philippine Bodybuilding and Fitness Events Services is a brainchild of Filipino seafarer-cum-bodybuilding enthusiast Rogelio ‘Roger’ B. Bejemino, Jr. with the aim of uplifting the ranks of Filipino bodybuilders and promoting the sport not just as a way of keeping oneself in good shape but more importantly to encourage healthy living and develop self-confidence.

It was when he became a seafarer when Roger first fell in love with bodybuilding as a way to keep himself in shape and healthy condition whether onboard international merchant vessels or on shore. With the stringent requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on seafarers, any trace of health deficiency would prevent one from being given shipboard assignment. Because of his enthusiasm and passion for bodybuilding, Roger never had any negative health issue whenever he is subjected to pre-boarding medical check-ups, always healthy as an ox.

Because of his passion for bodybuilding, he decided to put up his own commercial bodybuilding gymnasium in 2014, aptly named Roger’s Fitness Center located in a busy thoroughfare of Pasay City in Metro Manila, the Philippines. More than looking to earn from the business, Roger only wanted to get himself all the bodybuilding regimens he wants for free. But the business started attracting customers and bodybuilding enthusiasts like himself.

He got acquainted with a lot of people and personalities who have been into bodybuilding and realized that there is an industry in the sport and that it is big and has all the potentials to grow bigger. Roger also realized that sport also has negative misconceptions among a number of Filipinos, something which he also wants to dispel if he is given the chance in the near future.

On the side, Roger is also into arm wrestling as part of his being a bodybuilder and a bodybuilding enthusiast. In fact, because of his outspoken nature and leadership trait, he is now the Chapter President of the Philippine Armwrestling Federation of Pasay City.

Eventually, he was able to witness a local bodybuilding event where he came in as a photographer-hobbyist and it dawned upon him that he was thrown there not just to watch but to do something and make a difference for the sport. That’s when he decided to form his own team of local bodybuilders and developed Team Roger’s. They started going all over the country to participate in various bodybuilding events. They have won plenty and also lose some but the victories far outweigh the defeats. Team Roger’s is now widely regarded as a team of achievers in the Philippine bodybuilding circles. More than the accolades, Roger felt that there are still more things he can do to bodybuilding than just being a mere spectator or participant or manager of participating bodybuilders.

In 2017, Roger started organizing bodybuilding events in Pasay City. Using Roger’s Fitness Center as the official entity, he started formal communications with those in the industry and to his surprise, he was able to garner enough support to bankroll his first project. While it hardly made any money for him, the important thing during his first attempt was the experience that he got from it. He felt fulfilled that he decided to follow up with another event in 2018, which again netted gains for his objectives.

By then, Roger has become a known personality especially in the bodybuilding circle not only in Pasay City where his business is located but also in different parts of the country. He has become an up and coming prominent personality in the sport that he has been invited several times to be a resource person for bodybuilding and also in various public speaking engagements.

This year, he decided that one event is not good enough so he decided to hold two, culminating with the Philippine Bodybuilding Summit held in November 30, 2019 which was a resounding success that Roger decided that he needs to do something bigger by 2020 to sustain the momentum. That is when he decided to finally register the organization Philippine Bodybuilding and Fitness Events Services as a corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with the end in view of being able to establish more network linkages not only in the bodybuilding industry in the Philippines but also in different parts of the world. The new entity shall sustain the momentum of the success of the Philippine Bodybuilding Summit moving forward.